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Ship Building Blog Post 20-FEB-22

The Arleigh Burke Class destroyer, A magnificent vessel when it comes to its class. Along with the most recognizable naval vessel.

That's what the wonderfully skilled carpenters are trying to make come to life. The cadets that make up our carpentry group are crafting. To use in community events, such as parades. Led by LTJG Pearson and Instructor Packa, help guiding these cadets. The plan for this vessel is to have it out before July.

The inspiration for this was due to its recognizable shape. The name of this vessel is the John Paul Jones. The reason for the name is due to Polaris and Trident's Battalions. Is our very own LTDR Rasset, who is a plank owner for the real John Paul Jones DDG-53.

author: PO2 Thomas Abbott

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